Divorced? Use This “Mind Hack” To Get Non-Stop Poontang Until You’re Ready To Remarry

Cloud 9 Consultive
5 min readMay 24, 2022

What Ifs…

What if women were attracted to you and wanted you sexually before you even said a word?

What if you knew exactly what to say in any situation to sweep women off their feet?

What if you had the seduction skills to pull a new hottie every day of the week?

Follow the 3 Steps below and these “What Ifs” will be your reality…

STEP 1: Use This “Mind Hack”.

Belief is one of the strongest, most useful powers you possess.

This power can create success, failure, happiness, sadness, opportunities, or obstacles because the subconscious is strictly impartial.

It doesn’t discriminate between right, wrong, life, death, success, or failure.

If you hold the belief, “I freeze up when I see an attractive woman”, “I have to work hard to make money”, or “I can’t approach beautiful women because [insert excuse here]”, that’s exactly what shows up in your reality.

Beliefs are “programs” in the subconscious mind that run our lives.

As explained by Dr. Bruce Lipton (developmental biologist and author of “The Biology of Belief”):

Neuroscientists have shown that most of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviors depend on the 95% of brain activity that is beyond our conscious awareness, which means 95% of our life comes from the programming in our subconscious mind.”


People who suffer from anorexia nervosa commit a slow form of suicide. They literally starve themselves to death because they believe they’re too fat.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is the psychological phenomenon of a prediction or expectation coming true simply because a person believes it will. [1]

You’ve heard of the placebo effect and how sugar pills can accelerate healing. But did you know placebo (sham) surgery can be as effective as real surgery? (Such is the power and deadly importance of belief.) [2]

Despite being young and in good health, there are documented cases of people dying because of their belief in magic spells or voodoo. These people had a subconscious belief that engineered their own death. [3]

In short, you don’t get what you WANT, you get what your subconscious BELIEVES.

Your mind processes 40 million bits of data per second to bring you information that aligns with your beliefs.

So that’s all you see when, in fact, reality might be very different.

It’s not the Universe, other people, the economy, or anything else preventing us from getting what we want, it’s subconscious beliefs that don’t jive with our true desires.

Even worse, you may have adopted these “subconscious blocks” as a child to protect yourself from an uncomfortable situation.

It was created to help you but now it’s blocking your success.

If you struggle in any area of your life, a subconscious block could be the culprit.

This brings us to the Mind Hack…

Here’s an easy way to remove subconscious blocks instantly:

1) Block discovery.

(I’m using an example relating to our “non-stop poontang” objective but this process can be used to remove ANY subconscious block.)

To find out if you have a block, state your desire then ask yourself if a block exists:

“I desire for women to be attracted to me and want me sexually. Do I have a belief that is blocking this desire?”

You can use muscle testing (applied kinesiology) or a pendulum to get the answer from your subconscious.

I prefer using a pendulum because it gives me clear yes/no answers.

If you get a “NO” you’re all good.

You don’t have any subconscious beliefs blocking your desire.

If you get a “YES” remove the block…

(2) Block removal.

Continue using muscle testing or a pendulum to receive the answers while having the following dialog with your subconscious:

1. Can you release it? (If NO: Use “The Conversation” below.)

2. Please do it now. (Wait a few seconds.)

3. Is it done? (If YES: Thank your subconscious. The block has been removed.) (If NO: Move on to the next question.)

4. Are you working on it? (If YES: Check later to confirm it has been released.) (If NO: Use “The Conversation” below.)

(3) The Conversation.

If you experience any resistance, have a heart-to-heart chat with your subconscious.

1. Explain why you want the desire.

2. Explain how releasing the block will benefit you.

3. Ask, “Does the block serve me?” (If YES: Repeat the conversation.) (If NO: Repeat block removal above.)

The purpose of your subconscious is to protect and serve you.

It loves you and wants the best for you so it will listen to reason.

That said, the subconscious is subservient to the conscious mind.

You call the shots!

STEP 2: Master Seduction.

I recommend starting with Advanced Attraction (especially if you’re interested in younger women).

Then you’ll need to open, have an amazing conversation, and close in accordance with your Seduction Plan.

Be prepared to close (ask a woman out) at all times.

Have the location, time, date, and transport all squared away.


I would love to get to know you better. Dinner. Tonight. My place. 8 o’clock. Can I trust you with my address? Give me your number and I’ll text you the details. (Open the “Add Contact” app and hand her your phone.)

You are the most interesting person I’ve met in a while. We should hang out tomorrow. Text me your address, I’ll pick you up at 8, wear something cute, and I’ll take care of the rest.

I had a great time talking to you. I’m meeting some friends for happy hour on Thursday. You should come. Text me and I’ll reply with the details.

STEP 3: Make Success Inevitable.

Create a Prospecting Plan that allows you to open 10 sets weekly (that’s only 2 a day with 2 days off).

With advanced training and 10 at-bats, you can easily have a different “friend with benefits” every day of the week!

If you would like more, check out the Get Some Ass Masterclass for divorced men over 40.

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-fulfilling_prophecy

[2] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6693073

[3] psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/201209/voodoo-death-i



Cloud 9 Consultive

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